Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Surprisingly, I really did enjoy this movie.  I'm not so much into the futuristic/ robots-have-taken-over-the-world movies.  I think they are silly and a big fantastical.  

Plus, I thought the previews for this movie looked a bit silly and lame.  So much so that I planned on not seeing the movie at all.  But, as we all know, life happens and you don't always get to pick the movie you see.  Sometimes, you watch movies because other people want to watch it and you want to spend time with them.

And thus, I watched Surrogates.

I really like the premise that the movie poster sets up:  "Human perfection...what could go wrong?"  Well...everything because humans were never intended to be perfect.  In fact, we are repeatedly reminded that we are far from perfection and that we will never be perfect.  So, that, in itself, is very intriguing; however, this was not enough to pull me into the theater.  It was too predictable: of course things were going to go wrong.  You are dealing with robots AND trying to be perfect --  you're going to screw up somewhere.

Honestly, I don't recall anything too striking about the movie itself.  It was just an action flick.  I watched, I held hands with my boyfriend, I drank some soda, and that's about it.  There was no WOW factor to make it stand out in my mind.

The only thing I really liked was the ending, when everyone is forced to become human again.  Disconnected from their surrogates, people are forced to actually live again.  They are forced to remember that they have limits and that life does suck sometimes, but you don't get to check out completely.  Bruce Willis' wife, for example, refuses to live without her surrogate because she would be forced to deal with her depression and face the fact that her son is dead.  Yes, life can hurt, but you don't stop living.

In the end, I side with the villain.  The surrogates needed to be destroyed.  Did EVERYONE need to be destroyed because they used the surrogates?  No.  But he realized that his creation was completely out of control and it needed to be stopped.  People need to live, not sit in a chair and live vicariously through some sort of synthetic being.

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