Friday, June 11, 2010

The Truth is Sometimes... Well... Ugly

When this film originally came out, I was unsure of what to think.  Yes, the previews made it look funny, however, I got very mixed reviews from people who went and saw the movie before I did.  A lady I worked with at the time said it was hilarious, but you had to have a twisted sense of humor to enjoy it; it did, however, make a good date movie.  A friend of mine went to see it with her grandmother and was a bit embarrassed after wards.  Apparently, it was not one of those movies you take your grandmother too.  The one that beats them all, however, was when my mom went to see it.  She brought my 13-year-old sister, a good friend of the family, and my 20-year-old brother.  They couldn't even finish the movie.  They walked out with ketchup-splattered faces, especially my brother.  Apparently, he hid his face completely and asked that no one look at him for a while, so he could regain his composure or something. 

So, essentially, that equals 1 yes; 1 maybe, depending on your company; and 1 so offended that they left the movie and promised to never see it again.  This of course made me deadly curious to see this movie.  I mean, how bad could it be that my mom, brother, sister, and friend walked out of?  How bad was it that this friend in particular was a bit embarrassed?

So, when the opportunity arose for me to watch it, I of course said yes for two reasons: the company was good and I HAD to know what made my mom leave. 

Well, lets start with the characters.

I loved Katherine Heigl.  She was hysterical, especially when trying to confront Gerard Butler about supposed lack of respect for women.  And, when she is around Collin, her supposed dream guy, her facial expressions were wonderful.  It was like "get me out of here" pretty much the whole time.

As much as I loved Heigl, I loved Gerard Butler's character so much more.  Sure, he was offensive and a bit of a womanizer, but he was honest.  Whatever he thought, he flat out said it, hence the title "The Ugly Truth."  I appreciated his lack of tact and general smoothness in dealing with people.  And, as much as I hate to admit it, some of the things he said were completely true, whether I wanted them to be.  It also helped that I know a guy who could easily have played Butler's character without even trying because that's just how he is.

My favorite scene was definitely when he took her shopping for the "look" to get the guy.  It was funny in it's own right, but at the same time, I could see myself in Heigl's position.  I would be completely lost.  It would have been nice to have someone show me what I need to know to get the guy.  And the friend I'm thinking of probably wouldn't have had an issue helping me find that "look".

In the end, I will say this.  Yes, the movie is quite a bit uncouth, however, it is not any worse than Made of Honor.  Just saying.  And it was pretty predictable.  There was nothing special about this romantic comedy to make it stand out from any other one.  Except for maybe the end...

She asks "Why do you like me?"  His response is classic: "Beats the [heck] our of me."  I love it. So perfect.

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