Thursday, August 12, 2010

An-Other Review on The Other Guys

So this is a really hectic week for me.  Rather it has been.  Last Friday-Sunday, I went on a spontaneous vacations with the family.  It was alright, but I was sick the whole time.  Then, Monday, I went to the doctor because I had been sick for over a week.  I told him and the nurse that I had pneumonia -- I have pneumonia at least twice a year, I know when I have it.  He didn't believe me, so after chest x-rays and another doctor's appointment, he determined that I have pneumonia.  Could have told him that without the extra doctor's appointment and $30.

Along with all of this, I moved back into my apartment today.  Took me about 3 hours, but my apartment and room back in order.  Let me just say that moving stuff and pneumonia doesn't mix well.  You need a nap afterwards.

Anyway, so that left Monday-Wednesday to spend with my boyfriend, who is going to college 3 hours in the exact opposite of my college.  So there is a 6 hour difference.  So, as part of our last day together, we decided to try and see a movie: The Other Guys. The key word there is TRIED.  

I saw up to the point where Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Samuel L. Jackson "aim for the bushes."  EPIC FAIL.  And yet it's so funny that it is almost win.  Almost.

Up to that point, I was fairly amused and somewhat bored.  Yes, Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg are funny, but I could have watched Dwight and Jim in The Office and be just as amused.  "ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER!" Also, Johnson played the exact same role he did in Get Smart, only his role was cut short by a concrete wall he just couldn't get past.  Speaking of Get Smart, Will Ferrell mirrored Steve Carell's character, and his character from Stranger than Fiction.

This does not mean it wasn't funny and enjoyable; it's just that I had seen it all before.

After that, the movie fuzzed out for the fourth time and the lady said they were having issues with all of their projectors.  When I say fuzzed out, I mean FUZZED OUT.  Think of a giant movie screen with a million different Dippin' Dots on it all having seizures at the same time.  Luckily, we could hear the sound over the drugged-up dots, but some things are meant to be seen AND heard; movies are one of them.

At least we got free tickets out of it.

I'll leave you with a quote: "I am a peacock.  I need room to fly!" - Mark Wahlberg.  For the record, I'm fairly certain that peacocks don't fly.  So keep flapping Wahlberg and we'll see who flies first.

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