Saturday, October 16, 2010

Review to Letters to Juliet

Can I just say that I love Amanda Seyfried?  She's fantastic all around.  I've loved her since Mean Girls and have continued to stalk her through her films ever since.  I wish I had eyes like her ... anyhow, moving on to the film...

I love the concept.  Okay, it is based on something that happens daily, though I'm not sure what groping Juliet's statue has to do with it, but it's nice that people still believe true love exists.  I'm just glad that this story isn't completely based on a falsehood.  At the same time, however, I don't get why Romeo and Juliet is supposed to be the greatest love story ever - they die and don't get to share that love.  What kind of love story is that?

Side Note: Gnomeo and Juliet ... not a fan.  In fact, I'm offended.

Moving on.  I hate this romantic movie slum we're stuck in.  We aren't watchign two single people fall in love anymore.  We're watching girls who are previosly engaged to some jerk only to fall in love with the right guy within a week.  That's terrible.  What kind of comment is that on society: please girls, get engaged, but remember that you're true love is still out there, so keep looking.  AWFUL.

I really did enjoy this movie though.  True love is still true love.  And as idealist as I'd like to be, I am forced to stay realistic.  True love is a rare thing and these romantic movies and books are setting us up to fall on our faces and increase the divorce rate exponentially.  Settle for mediocrity people because the likelyhood of you probably arne't going to find true love.

Still liked the movie though.

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