Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dark Shadoze

For the record, I do love Tim Burton. I think he's brilliant and unique in the way he tells stories, especially in his works Nightmare Before Christmas and Frankenweenie (I haven't seen this one yet, but the style is very reminiscent of Nightmare).

His latest movie to DVD (Dark Shadows) lacks luster and entertainment value.

This is not the actors' fault at all. Tim Burton's two favorites are there: Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter. Both are talented and, having made so many movies together,  have a good chemistry and play off each other exceedingly well.

I think most of my "dislike" of the film comes directly from the script. It had a slow beginning and things did not pick up until the last 15 minutes or so. I was nearly bored out of my mind . . . to the point, in fact, that I almost turned it off, but I kept watching, hoping something interesting would happen and respecting Burton's hard work.

I know it plays with various concepts, including Poe's "Annabel Lee," Frankenstein, shadows and, of course, vampires. I can appreciate that hodgepodge of these elements and the way they were combined together. Regardless, their combination aside, I still couldn't get any enjoyment out of this film.

. . . That's not true. There is one thing I liked -- the way Johnny Depp rephrased "kiss my ass" in a hilarious fashion. "You may strategically place your wonderful lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly!" Loved it, but still not enough to save the film in my eyes.

So . . . sorry Mr. Burton; this film isn't as great as your others.

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