Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Les Miserables = Miserables?

Name: Les Miserables
Actor: Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, Russell Crowe, Amanda Seyfried
Director: Tom Hooper
Release Date: 25 December 2012

Every advertisement I've seen of this movie, both when the movie was in theaters and when the DVD/BR was released, claims that Les Mes is "the greatest musical of all time."  I'm still not familiar with many musicals, but I've seen enough to appreciate the genre.
     So of course I wanted to see it -- it was a musical I hadn't seen and it's highly praised.

I went in with high expectations, mostly related to the actors and actresses in it because I love them and I know they are talented, but also related to it being labeled as "great."

And . . . to be honest . . . I didn't think it was all that great for reasons I cannot fully understand.
     1. I wasn't emotionally invested in the plot or characters.
     2. The music didn't speak to me despite it being so beautiful to hear on all accounts.
     3. Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway are two of my favorite actors so I should be in love with this movie.

I mean the music and the movie were amazing, I can appreciate all of it. They did a wonderful job. I guess something just didn't click because it was just . . . okay in my opinion. Maybe my expectations were too high. I don't really know.

I know this review isn't great, but I honestly can't remember anything about the plot or characters or anything really. So, I'm sorry. I know I'm not giving much of a review at all, but this is all I got. 

I do, however, plan on reading the book -- hopefully that will change my opinion of the film because I really want to love it.

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