Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hey...We're Watching a Movie about Sex

So...No Strings Attached is pretty funny.  The first time I watched it, it was with my mom and well...neither of us were impressed.  I secretly wouldn't have minded if we kept watching, but she was very uncomfortable, so we quit.  I'm with a friend now, though.  So I can watch this without worrying about my mom.

I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit.  Maybe I've just become more open about sex as a subject so I can handle it better, but it still makes me a little ansy, but that's okay.  I totally get Natalie Portman's character.  Commitment is a scary thing.  Personally, I run from it whenever I can.  As fast as I can cause I'm out of it.  But maybe I'll get of this habit one day when the right guy comes along.

Thank god my mother isn't like the mom in this movie though.  Goodness.  This mother needs help...or a filter for when she overshares about her sex life.

And, just for the record, "You fight like a hamster"

Friday, September 23, 2011

Bored with Thor ... RAWR

It's official.  I can't take this movie seriously.  I tried.  I really did.  But as soon as they all rode off, Thor in the lead, all I could think was this:

The movie experience just went down from there.

All I'm really doing here is screaming "RAWR" after everything they say...well, specifically Thor, but seriously.  "HAMMAR?! HAMMAR?! RAWR!"  Yes, I know that's not how you spell hammer, but it is how he says it.  So there.  RAWR!

Seriously?  Thor is talking about an effing "rainbow bridge" Because that's manly, right?  "Me, Thor.  Me need hammar.  Me take you to rainbow bridge. RAWR!"

And what's all this talk about Asgard?  All I hear is Azkabhan.  Call it my Harry Potter wired brain, but that's what I hear.

Perhaps, like Pain and Panic, I'm not worthy, but this film is about blond Tarzan who's been banished from Azkabhan seeking a huge Hammar.  RAWR!

Kat Dennings is literally the only redeeming thing in this movie.  And she's not in it much. RAWR!

Quite honestly, you're better off watching Conan's rendition.  Much more entertaining than this forever and a half long snooze fest.  RAWR!

Green Hornet: "This is the Balls"

Seth Rogen... what is there to say?  Going through his credentials, I saw him in Donnie Darko, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy,40 Year Old Virgin, and You, Me and Dupree,  but I can't really say that I noticed him in any of these movies.  The first time I really noticed him was in Fanboys, Kung Fu Panda and Monsters VS Aliens.  So, needless to say, I know Rogen's voice and laugh, but nothing else about him.

I saw him in an interview once on Conan, but I was not exactly impressed with his personality.  I did, however, notice that he lost quite a bit of weight.  So good for you Seth Rogen.

Enough about Seth, though... I am, after all, watching a movie.

Okay the red weapon visual effects through Kato's eyes is pretty cool.  And by pretty cool, I mean epic awesome.  Let's just face it.  Kato kicks major arse.

And the dialog is priceless.  The use of the "s" word is a bit much for me, but whatever.  He's Seth Rogen, he can say whatever he wants I suppose.  It's more than just the words he says, though.  It's the way he says it.  

As good as this is, however, Defendor is SO much better.

And just because this amuses me:

Also, Britt Reid is tarnishing our name. For shame.

It's Kind of a Funny Story How I Got this Movie

When I first rented this movie back in May, I was entranced.  I had to watch this movie because of the time I was in my life.  There was some talk about me needing to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital because I was a danger to myself.  Anyway, that time has passed I suppose, but this movie was a huge comfort to me.  I was deeply saddened when I had to return it.

Yesterday, however, I went to the video store again to rent Casablanca for my mom.  Instead, I found myself drawn to this movie once more.  The store has a policy about movies: if the release date was a month ago, it can be sold.  I picked up a copy and went to the store owner and threw myself a literal pity party, begging to have this movie because it touched me so.  It worked.  I own it.  And now I'm going to talk about it.

I think the reason I feel so drawn to this movie is because I connect to the main character Craig.  At the beginning he something along the lines of this: I wish I had a good explanation for why I'm depressed.  He then goes on to explain that he has no logical reason, but the depression stays anyway.  I get that.  I mean I have reasons to be depressed, but all things considered, my life hasn't been that bad.  But I'm depressed anyway.

I also connect with Emma Roberts character with the whole cutting thing, but that's a whole other story.

Plus, Zach Galifianakis is there.  Win-win situation.

And the theme song.  "Under Pressure" by Queen.  Story of my life.  This movie is my life. It's everything I could want and more.

I just...I need this movie.

Everyone who has ever suffered depression at all needs this movie.  

Thursday, September 22, 2011

BridesMade Me Laugh

I've been wanting to see this movie since it came out in theaters for one main reason: Kristen Wiig.  Who doesn't love this girl?  She's phenomenal.  I had high expectations for her and she blew me away as always.  She is, in short, a comedic genius.

This is not to say that the other members did not help; it is only to say that Wiig is the only reason I wanted to watch it.

I will admit that the initial scene made me slightly uncomfortable and grateful that my mother wasn't watching it with me, but I made it through to the meat of the movie and found it quite enjoyable.  

It was clever. It was witty.  It was exactly what I needed while writing my thesis: a reminder that there is joy in the world even though I can't find it at the moment.

I did, however, remind me quite a bit of Bride Wars.  And, honestly, I prefer Bride Wars.  I mean, it's Anne Hathaway.  The girl who brought my book self, Mia Thermopolis, to life.  More than that, she is going to be Catwoman.   Do I really need anymore evidence than that?

One final note:  This is not The Hangover for women.  There is no comparison.  Also, Revenge of the Bridesmaids is also pretty fun, but not near as fun as Bridesmaid.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Uncle Sam Wants You to Watch Captain America

Superhero movies are always a win in my book, but I've gotta say that I wasn't to jazzed about Captain America.  It's just Chris Evans was already the Human Torch; let's let someone else wear tights and save the world.  Not that you didn't do a good job; it's just I've seen you as a Marvel super hero before.  And then you did push, where you had super powers.  Why not let someone else be super for once?  

It probably doesn't help that I've started watching Conan O'Brian because he's been making fun of this movie since March.  But what can I say? It looks gggooooooooooood.

I honestly have no complaints about this movie.  It was fast-paced.  It was witty.  Okay, Tommy Lee Jones was witty, but still, wit was there.  It got me excited.  It made me laugh; especially since one of Captain America's soldiers had a spot on gLee for a few episodes, so I was highly amused.  

To be fair, that end fight with the Red Skull could have been longer and much more epic, but whatever.  It was a suitable death.

Plus, it even gave a preview of the Avengers where I got to see RDJ as Tony Stark.  What more could I possibly want?