Friday, September 23, 2011

Bored with Thor ... RAWR

It's official.  I can't take this movie seriously.  I tried.  I really did.  But as soon as they all rode off, Thor in the lead, all I could think was this:

The movie experience just went down from there.

All I'm really doing here is screaming "RAWR" after everything they say...well, specifically Thor, but seriously.  "HAMMAR?! HAMMAR?! RAWR!"  Yes, I know that's not how you spell hammer, but it is how he says it.  So there.  RAWR!

Seriously?  Thor is talking about an effing "rainbow bridge" Because that's manly, right?  "Me, Thor.  Me need hammar.  Me take you to rainbow bridge. RAWR!"

And what's all this talk about Asgard?  All I hear is Azkabhan.  Call it my Harry Potter wired brain, but that's what I hear.

Perhaps, like Pain and Panic, I'm not worthy, but this film is about blond Tarzan who's been banished from Azkabhan seeking a huge Hammar.  RAWR!

Kat Dennings is literally the only redeeming thing in this movie.  And she's not in it much. RAWR!

Quite honestly, you're better off watching Conan's rendition.  Much more entertaining than this forever and a half long snooze fest.  RAWR!

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