Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hey...We're Watching a Movie about Sex

So...No Strings Attached is pretty funny.  The first time I watched it, it was with my mom and well...neither of us were impressed.  I secretly wouldn't have minded if we kept watching, but she was very uncomfortable, so we quit.  I'm with a friend now, though.  So I can watch this without worrying about my mom.

I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit.  Maybe I've just become more open about sex as a subject so I can handle it better, but it still makes me a little ansy, but that's okay.  I totally get Natalie Portman's character.  Commitment is a scary thing.  Personally, I run from it whenever I can.  As fast as I can cause I'm out of it.  But maybe I'll get of this habit one day when the right guy comes along.

Thank god my mother isn't like the mom in this movie though.  Goodness.  This mother needs help...or a filter for when she overshares about her sex life.

And, just for the record, "You fight like a hamster"


  1. Is it alright if I talk with you? If you don't want to that is fine.
