Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Kind of a Funny Story How I Got this Movie

When I first rented this movie back in May, I was entranced.  I had to watch this movie because of the time I was in my life.  There was some talk about me needing to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital because I was a danger to myself.  Anyway, that time has passed I suppose, but this movie was a huge comfort to me.  I was deeply saddened when I had to return it.

Yesterday, however, I went to the video store again to rent Casablanca for my mom.  Instead, I found myself drawn to this movie once more.  The store has a policy about movies: if the release date was a month ago, it can be sold.  I picked up a copy and went to the store owner and threw myself a literal pity party, begging to have this movie because it touched me so.  It worked.  I own it.  And now I'm going to talk about it.

I think the reason I feel so drawn to this movie is because I connect to the main character Craig.  At the beginning he something along the lines of this: I wish I had a good explanation for why I'm depressed.  He then goes on to explain that he has no logical reason, but the depression stays anyway.  I get that.  I mean I have reasons to be depressed, but all things considered, my life hasn't been that bad.  But I'm depressed anyway.

I also connect with Emma Roberts character with the whole cutting thing, but that's a whole other story.

Plus, Zach Galifianakis is there.  Win-win situation.

And the theme song.  "Under Pressure" by Queen.  Story of my life.  This movie is my life. It's everything I could want and more.

I just...I need this movie.

Everyone who has ever suffered depression at all needs this movie.  

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