Wednesday, November 28, 2012

House Funny

Title: House Bunny
Starring: Anna Faris, Colin Hanks, Emma Stone, Rumer Willis, Katharine McPhee, Kat Dennings, and Hugh Hefner
Director: Fred Wolf
Released : 22 August 2008

House Bunny is fairly easy to summarize.  Shelley (Faris) loves being a Playboy Bunny. It's her happy ever after place. She is kicked out of the Playboy Mansion by a fellow Bunny who doesn't like her. Homeless, Shelley drives around until she finds some sorority houses, becomes the House Mother of Zeta, and tries to save the girls and their sorority.

For the record, Anna Faris sounds stupid. She obviously can't help sounding like this because her voice is the same in every film she does (minus My Super Ex Girlfriend to a certain degree). She even looks a bit dumb. Seriously. Karen from Mean Girls could have been inspired by Anna Faris.
     She is that dumb.
     But thanks anyway Mona (Dennings) for pointing that out. We never would have guessed she was stupid if you hadn't said it.
     Who's stupid now?

Whatever. Back to the movie.

Shelley's goal is fairly simple. She wants to find her happily every after. At first, she thinks she found it at the Playboy Mansion because she considers that her home and the other Bunnies (and Hef) are her family. She may be stupid, but you can totally tell she is kind, caring, and thoughtful (though some of this may stem from her stupidity). She just wants to make sure everyone is okay and that sort of thing.  She is the Playboy Mansion mom.

When she is kicked out, however, Shelley has to find a new happily ever after, complete with a home and some girls to look after and become a mother to.  She ends up at the Zeta house, home to a sorority that is about to lose their charter due to a lack of pledges. She teaches the girls what she can about being sexy and getting boys to like them and they teach her how to be smart.
     Zeta is essentially the Vortex from Sydney White.

Natalie (Stone) is so awkward that it is beyond hilarious. She cracks me up. She's clueless and trying to be cool/sexy, but it's not working out for her . .  just so you know.
     Actually, it's not going to work with any of the girls, no matter how hard Shelley tries.
     Shelley actually does make them sexy, but they can't live her life. They give up their sexiness and merge it with their own personalities so they go from losers, to sex-kittens to themselves.
          This is uber important though. If the girls didn't fall back onto their own identity, the message of the movie would change from "be who you are" to "life only works if you act like a Playboy Bunny).

Shelley, however, also changes like the girls she works with. She learns that there are more ways to get things done than by being sexy. Guys can like smart girls. These girls need her more than the Bunnies and Hef do, so she stays their mother -- a decision that I would have thought to be impossible.

"I'm allergic to erthromycin. I took it once with I had a cold. I was 16, and it gave me itching. I mean, everything itched. My legs, my arms, my earlobes. And other stuff too, but I can't say, because I'm live on the air right now, and you can't say "ass cheeks," right?  . . . But besides the itching, the erthromycin also made my skin glow. It gave me, like, this glowing tan. And I suddenly felt like another person. Different. Better. Prettier, I guess.  . . . Do you know that feeling that I'm talking about? Where you suddenly feel pretty and, next thing you know, you feel better about yourself? Well, that was what was happening to me. My allergic reaction made me feel pretty, and so I ignored all the bad side effects, because suddenly people were talking to me and they were noticing me. And even though I was itching like crazy, it was worth it to feel accepted. And so I couldn't wait to get a cold so I could take my erythromyoin. BUt underneath that beautiful, glowing skin, I still had that cold. Well, that's a meteor.  . . .  It flashes by and burns bright, but then it disappears. And that was what was happening to me. The real me just disappeared.  . . .  I am not an expert speech-giver. But I do know that one day, when your looks are gone, if everything you have is based on looks, well, then you've got nothing. You need your friends and your family by your side, to love you for who you are, not what you look like. At the Zeta house, our new motto is, "Be who you are." Because we're a family. We're a family that loves you on the inside. So we need you to stand forward and be a part of that family. We need 30 people right now to stand forward and pledge Zeta!"

This speech really shows how Shelley has grown as a person since being a Bunny.
     Cheesey, typical speech, but worth it in the end because it shows that she has a brain somewhere under bleach-blonde locks. Impressive indeed.

And, for the record, "the eyes are like the nipples of the face" -- thanks for that image Faris. It may be funny, but it makes you sound more stupid than we originally thought.

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