Monday, November 5, 2012

Star Wars: The Force Is Strong in This Blog Part Two and a Half: The Clone Wars

Honestly, all I know about Clone Wars is that it takes place between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith and it started as 5 min segments on Cartoon Network. Now, it fills up a 30 minute slot. I know it started before hand and then the movie was made and now there are more episodes.
    so I don't have a lot to say because I was a tad confused.

I will say is that it has an interesting style of animation. They are not trying to be like other recent CG animation to look real. This is and exaggerated, almost caricature or even toy (Movement)like, style. I like it. It's interesting to watch.

Also, I found the pairing of Hisoka and Anakin  to be hilarious even though it doesn't look it will go over well. As the characters in the movie, they are "Quite a pair." The best part, however, is that Anakin was like this as a padawan, so it makes sense that Hisoka will be the same way. It's the parent's curse -- I hope your children are just like you so you can see what I went through. In other words, you brought this on yourself Anakin so deal with it.

That's all I have to offer. Maybe I would like this movie or have anything interesting to say  if I had seen any part of the cartoon series.  . . . I don't get this ending. Obviously it's supposed to lead into the cartoon, but the cartoon existed first. how can these me reconciled???

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