Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Star Wars: The Force is Strong with This Blog Part Two : Attack of the Clones

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones picks up 10 years after Phantom Menace -- allowing just enough time for Anakin and Padme to start having a serious, committed romantic relationship. Of course, Anakin loved Padme from the first time he saw her in Phantom Menace, but now that they are both "grown up," the romance is feasible and less . . . awkward seeing as Anakin was a 10 year old at the time.  Sure there's action going on with the bounty hunters, the clones, the huge fight at the end, and almost dying several times, but this love is necessary for the women and girls in the audience -- they like romantic comedies.

This movie wasn't awful. I liked Phantom Menace, but this does not quite meet that standard. Some parts I enjoyed like the random "cow"/"picnic" scene and the shots of Anakin that start showing his shift towards the Dark Side. * There were other things I could have dealt without.

Like JarJar. Why is JarJar still here? Seriously. He's an idiot and incredibly annoying. Plus, he ruins practically everything by convincing everyone to give all political power to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine -- the soon to be Emperor. Idiot. His existence continues to confuse me. He's the reason the war starts because he is stupid. Can we just get rid of him? Please?

Also . . . what is going on with Ewan McGreggor's hair -- both on his head and his face? It's terrible. They did a much better job with the same look in Revenge of the Sith. There was just a tad too much hair to make the look work in Attack of the Clones. Man that was sucky.

On the other hand . . . I love the bounty hunters. They are all so vastly different, but they all look somewhat lethal and dangerous. It's awesome. But I only feel that way because I love Boba Fett. He's aweome and I love him. In fact, somewhere, I have a picture of me wearing a pod-racer shirt hugging with a guy in a Boba Fett shoot. If you know me at all, you know this is a big thing because I hate pictures.
     I also love Boushh and Zam Wesell and Han Solo. They're all great.

HA. Obi-Wan telling Anakin that he will be the death of him. Unnecessary foreshadowing considering most Star Wars fans know what happens in A New Hope. Either way, however, it's still funny . . . at least I think it is.

Once again, I must give props (or clothes. Ha) to the costume designers for Padme. Her yellow dress that she wears during picnic and rolling down the hill is my favorite. It's beautiful and it took my breath away. But we don't get to see a lot of it. Sad day.

Also, for the record, Yoda is the best Jedi ever. We all knew he was powerful, but man. He's got skills even when he's as old as he is. (He's even better in LEGO Star Wars). It's awesome. 

Finally, it makes me happy that Lucas followed the golden rule of comedy laid out by Shakespeare. If it is comedic in nature, it should end with a wedding of some sort. And, despite all the battle and intense action stuff, they manage to end the film with wedding of some sort between Anakin and Padme who add a dimension of romantic comedy to the battle-heavy plot..

* I'll address Anakin's transformation in the Revenge of the Sith movie review.

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