Sunday, November 11, 2012

Star Wars: The Force Is Strong In This One Part Three: Revenge of the Sith

This movie picks up pretty much right where things left off in Attack of the Clones. Anakin and Padme are secretly married, Anakin is no longer a Padawan, and Anakin is beginning to slip towards the Dark Side through his relationship with Chancellor Palpatine. That's about everything that's changed. This movie really just serves to show the transformation of Anakin into Darth Vader and set-up the war plaguing the universe in the followed three movies.

This was my second time seeing the movie and I still feel the same was I did the first time. There's nothing special or memorable about it. Or maybe I was too bored to notice the film on the TV. I guess it was okay. I loved the character development and transformation Anakin goes through to become Vader. What can I say? I'm a sucker for strong, deep, fully-rounded characters and that is really the only thing that saves Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith for me.

So . . . yeah. This review is pretty much a quick analysis of Anakin's descent into the Dark Side. Deal with it and keep reading or disappear and read something else. It's your choice.

Even in Phantom Menace, there are clues that Anakin will eventually be in trouble (and not just because I know he will become Darth Vader either) because of the fear Yoda found in him. More on that fear in a moment though.

Anakin can be defined by a lot of things, especially arrogance, pride, hate and anger that he can't let go of, easily swayed, manipluated and influenced by the Dark Side because he doesn't like all the rules of being a Jedi such as love thus he s a rule breaker, focuses on pain, suffering, and death, fear of loss, not approved to become a Jedi Master so he's angry, repeatedly said to be arrogant, inability to follow orders, impatience, most gifted (even more than Yoda), unpredictable, anger, loves being right, doesn't think politics work so prefers dictatorships, irrational due to extreme connection to feelings, good at fixing things, but cannot understand that he can't stop/fix death, "all-powerful," "strongest Jedi ever," can't handle failure, and has a reckless nature.

I know -- that's a lot of qualities, but all of them can be traced back to what Yoda originally sensed in Anakin: FEAR. He acts arrogant, hateful, prideful, angry because he's afraid of seeming weak and of letting others know that he is still afraid. He is easily influenced by Chancellor Palpatine because he is afraid of many things -- death, pain, suffering, loss -- and Palpatine offered to teach him how to become so powerful that he will never need to be afraid again. He prefers dictatorships because he's afraid of democracy and the people choosing what they want. He's afraid of failure of any kind.

Fear then is the true reason that instigated Anakin into become Darth Vader.

The only other things I can say are that a) General Greivous's character concept and design were brilliant. I loved it; 2) I hated seeing all the Jedi dying, especially the children or younglings. It's terrible. But it was supposed to be, so I suppose I can get over that; 3) They fixed Obi-Wan's hair (thank goodness because it was terrible)

Anyhow . . . Yeah. That's all I've got to say about this film.  The following reviews regarding Star Wars will be much better. I promise.

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