Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Princess Protection Blogram

Princess Protection Program is an original Disney film made for TV featuring several well-known Disney stars (Selena Gomex, Demi Lovato, and Nicholas Braun) that will eventually be released as a DVD so all the girls can beg their family for yet another Disney Film. *

Essentially Princess Rosalinda (Lovato) is in trouble and must be "extracted" from her kingdom, "transformed" so she no longer looks like a princess, and finally "relocated"to a place she will be safe -- in this case, Louisiana -- where she must learn to be a normal teenager under a different name, Rosie Gonzales, by living with Carter Mason (Gomez). Of course the girls hate each other, but learn to accept and love one another by the end of the film. It is the classic predicament of Prince and the Pauper-esque tale -- two girls from different sides of the track, so to speak, are forced to interact with each other. There is usually bitterness and jealousy at first, but then they learn to like each other and become best friends and everything is sunshine and rainbows once more. teach one another.
     No surprises.
     This is a Disney movie after all.
     I will say, however, at least there is some action involved. Gotta save and protect the princess and her country. So yeah . . .

There really isn't much else to say. There are no tricks, turns, or surprises in this film, but there doesn't have to be because kids love the Disney Channel and will watch any show/movie the company chooses to produce. I think it's cute though. Super cute.

I love it all the same though (except for that "Two Different Worlds Collide" songs or whatever they call it-- It's awful).
     For one thing, I love Demi Lovato, but for reasons I would rather not publicly disclose on the Internet. 
     For another, it's sappy and silly and stupid and for tweenagers, but it still makes me happy, so I'll watch it until I'm 80-ish or at least until I die and I don't care who laughs at me over it.

* Disney's all about how much money they can earn. What do you expect, honestly?

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