Friday, May 14, 2010


So 2012...  yeah.

I wasn't looking forward to watching this at all.  For reals.  I had seen Day After Tomorrow and the Tom Craptastic War of the Worlds; that's all I needed to see about the end of the world.

And yet, apparently it wasn't.

I started watching it and was like "Really? I'm watching this?  At least it's not AVATAR because that is on my never gonna happen list." So we get going on John Cusack was there and the bad guy from Serenity (Chiwetel Ejiofor) was there and Amanda Peet was there and some big Russian dude with his kids was there and...

Definately fell alseep.

I woke up long enough to see a giant donut flying at the screen.  Coincidentally, it's the same donut RDJ is sitting in in Iron Man 2.  It's good to know that the donut survived the end of the world. 


And then I fell asleep again.

And then John Cusack was swimming under a caged giraffe.  I laughed. Cusack's daughter cried.  And the people on the boats lived happily ever after.  And so did I because the movie was over.

"Help! I'm suffocating under a giraffe!! Someone save me!"

The end.

I can't really say whether it is a good movie or not because I slept through it.  I can, however, say that it was a snoozefest.  Or maybe that happened because I hadn't slept in two days.  Either way, I still believe that by seeing Day After Tomorrow, I have seen 2012.  And people who believe that 2012 events are going to happen are silly.  I remember God saying that NO ONE would know when the world would end.  Including the Mayans.  Sure their calander ended in 2012, but they were conquered before they could continue adding days. 

So there.

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