Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hehvan Halmighty!!

Okay.  So I know there are 'blasphemy' concerns in watching Bruce and Evan Almighty, at least according to some in the Christian circle, but this movie is funny.  And has more of a Christian angle than Bruce, so there.

Inappropriate, but so funny.

I love the clock and the subtle Christian humor. 1-800-Go-4-Wood. Gen. 6:14.  Alpha and Omega delivery company. 40 Year Old Virgin Mary (okay, that's more on Carell, but still).  "One nation, under Me, for which it stands." Ark Building for Dummys. "I hope this isn't our Last Supper."

I'm glad they kept Morgan Freeman as God.  He makes a good 'God' if such a thing could be imagined.  I know no one is supposed to know what God looks like and that God sounds like something different for each person, if He sounds like anything at all.  But Morgan Freeman has the right voice: deep and oddly omniscient sounding.

I also love Steve Carell.  Generally, he's known for being the infamously worst boss you could ever dread to have, Michael Scott on The Office, but he is funny outside of this show.  He can say anything with a straight face -- highly necessary in a film like this when you are surrounded by tons of animals and spontaneously sprouting hair unnecessarily.  Plus, he has such a funny face; I swear you could shove a nickle up his nose and he wouldn't even notice. 

SHEEP!! He's funny.

I'm not sold on John Goodman as a 'villain'.  I see John Goodman and I think Fred Flinstone or possibly Baloo.  He's too teddy bear to be bad.

I also super love what they did with the word "ARK."  It's not about recreating the ark Noah built and saving the animals from an all-destructive arsenal of aqua. It's about ARKs, in other words: Acts of Random Kindness.  Acts of Random Kindness are what make people who they are.  The little choices every day: will I pick that trash up off the road, even though I didn't through it away; will I tell the truth about my homework or lie; will I open a door for someone else or not?  That's what makes us and separates the good from the bad.  

I guess the point is that be careful what you wish/pray for.  Evan asked to change the world and God gave him the opportunity.   He asked for a way to build the ark, and was given the catapult lift thing.

And I think this is what separates Evan Almighty  from Bruce Almighty, if I remember Bruce anyway.

But that's all I got.



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